Professor Carlos Brebbia was the Founder and Director of the Wessex Institute of Technology. He was born in Argentina where he completed his first engineering degree. He spent two stimulating years after graduation as part of a small team setting up an Institute of Applied Mechanics. Following this, he registered at Southampton University in England for a high degree, arranging to carry out his research partly at MIT.

To read more about Carlos please see his obituary.


After obtaining his PhD at Southampton, he worked at a UK Research Laboratory before taking an academic appointment at Southampton University where he rose from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer and Reader. During his time at Southampton, he took leave to become Visiting Professor at many other universities, including Princeton.

After having been appointed full Professor of Engineering at the University of California, Irvine, he decided to return to the UK to set up the Wessex Institute in the New Forest.

Professor Brebbia is renowned throughout the world as the originator of the Boundary Element Method, a technique that generates important research work at the Wessex Institute. He has written many scientific papers, been author of 14 books, co-author of numerous volumes and editor or co-editor of over 500. He also published two non-scientific books, “The New Forest. A Personal View” and “Patagonia, a forgotten Land”. A book on the Paraguayan War in the 19th Century was a work in progress at the time of his death.

He was previously Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements and also founded several successful international Journals including the International Journals of Safety and Security Engineering, Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Sustainable Development and Planning, Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Energy Production and Management, Heritage Architecture, Transport Development and Integration, and Environmental Impacts.

Carlos' interests spanned from the analysis of advanced structures such as shells to the modelling of environmental problems, dealing with a wide variety of methodologies. His latest efforts had been concentrated on the development of Wessex Institute as an international centre of excellence.


  • Medaille de la Ville de Paris, Echelon Argent.
  • Medaille of the Masonnet Foundation, University of Liege, Belgium.
  • Visiting Professor for Special Lecture Series at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium.
  • Visiting Professor for Special Lecture Series at the University of Florence, Italy.
  • Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FImechE)
  • Founding President - ASCE-UK Chapter.
  • Honorary PhD at University of Bucharest.
  • Freedom of the City of London and Liveryman to the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers.
  • Permanent Member of the Prize Committee for the Prigogine Medal.
  • Member of the Prize Council of the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water.
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce).


  • "Finite Elements". The film was produced by Rutherford Computing Laboratory with computer animations provided by Professor Brebbia.

  • "Boundary Elements". This film was produced by Professor Brebbia demonstrating the technique he developed.


More than 300 papers published in scientific journals and conference proceedings.


Computational Methods in Engineering, including his technique of Boundary Elements; Environmental Simulation; Ecological Modelling; and Sustainable Development.



14 technical books produced by different Publishers - among them McGraw Hill, Elsevier, Springer Verlag, Computational Mechanics Publications, WIT Press - and translated into several major languages.


  • "The New Forest. A Personal View". Fourth Edition. WIT Press, Southampton and Boston, 2006.

  • "Patagonia. The Forgotten Land. From Magellan to Peron". WIT Press, Southampton and Boston, 2007.


More than 500 books edited.

Some of Prof Brebbia's publications relevant to Sustainability, Ecology and the Built Environment are:

  • "Environmental Exposure and Health", MM Aral, CA Brebbia, ML Maslia, T Sinks - 2005

  • "Air Pollution", CA Brebbia - 2005.

  • "Environmental Health Risk", CA Brebbia, V Popov, D Fayzieva - 2005.

  • "Sustainable Development and Planning", Vol 1 & 2, CA Brebbia, AG Kungolos - 2005.

  • "Water Resources Management", M da Conceicao Cunha, CA Brebbia - 2005.

  • "Ecosystems and Sustainable Development", E Tiezzi, CA Brebbia, SE Jorgensen, D Almorza Gomar - 2005.

  • "Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment", K Aravossis, CA Brebbia, E Kakaras, AG Kungolos - 2006.

  • "Design and Nature", CA Brebbia - 2006.

  • "Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions", CA Brebbia - 2006.

  • "Water Pollution", CA Brebbia, JS Antunes do Carmo - 2006.

  • "Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards", CA Brebbia, E Tiezzi, ME Conti - 2006.

  • "Eco-Architecture", G Broadbent, CA Brebbia - 2006.

  • "The Sustainable City", U Mander, CA Brebbia, E Tiezzi - 2006.

  • "Waste Management and the Environment", V Popov, AG Kungolos, CA Brebbia, H Itoh - 2006.